How to take DAYVIGO® ?
You should take DAYVIGO® exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

What to expect ?
Getting enough sleep has many benefits. It can help you:
How soon will it start working?
If you are just getting started on DAYVIGO®, it may take anywhere between 7 to 14 days to normalize your disturbed sleep architecture and show its efficacy.
Will I be able to switch from current sleep medication to DAYVIGO®?
While switching form other sleep medicines to DAYVIGO®, falling asleep or staying asleep may be a better experience, owing to its unique mechanism of action.
Will I become dependent on DAYVIGO®?
In clinical trials, people taking DAYVIGO® did not show signs or symptoms of withdrawal after they stopped taking it. This suggests that DAYVIGO® does not produce physical dependence.
Have you missed your DAYVIGO® dose?
If you miss a dose and you do have time to sleep for at least 7 hours before you must wake up again, take your dose as usual.
If you do not have time to sleep for at least 7 hours before you must wake up again: Do NOT take your dose. Take it the next night.
How long can you use it for?
There are no restrictions on how long you can stay on DAYVIGO® but you should see your doctor regularly and discuss your progress along with duration of therapy

Have you taken an overdose?
If you think you have taken too much DAYVIGO®, contact your healthcare professional or hospital emergency department immediately, even if there are no symptoms.

Tips to help you sleep better
In addition to taking DAYVIGO®, there are a few things you can do to help yourself sleep.